Diane Eberle, LCSW, ACS
I personally worked with Diane and have recommended her to multiple grieving friends, who all said Diane was incredibly helpful and a lifesaver in their grief process. 720-270-2074, https://www.deberle.net/

Patty L. Luckenbach, MA, DD

Patti Ashley, PhD
Having lost her father at a young age and her soulmate 47 years later, Dr. Ashley is intimately familiar with grief. She practices in Niwot, Colorado, but also works with people on the phone and internet, so she can work with people throughout the world. 720-565-3388, https://pattiashley.com/
The Heartlight Center
The HeartLight Center is a nonprofit in Denver that provides affordable grief education and support. 720.748.9908, https://www.heartlightcenter.org/
Halcyon Hospice & Palliative Care, Grief Support
The Denver Hospice, Grief Support
Sunshine After the Storm
I focus on spousal grief, but this nonprofit is a good resource for grieving mothers. Its mission is to provide hope, encouragement, and support to grieving mothers through community engagement, free care packages, resources, training, healing retreats, and bereavement support. http://sunshineafterstorm.us/